Case Managed Services

At nFocus Solutions™, we see it as our duty to provide database platforms to organizations that promote opportunities for families and individuals to achieve stability and self-sufficiency, and children to grow up safe, healthy, ready for school. We created TraxSolutions® as a tool for you to manage quality data to make a difference for those you serve.


TraxSolutions® can create complete action plans that allow for the holistic or step by step review of goals, allowing case managers or staff members to track the detailed progress of each participant. In addition, our Case Management software module features full field customization and affords clients ultimate flexibility by allowing them the ability to track and manage case plans across case types, Theories of Change and outcome metrics.

Shirley Purves
Shirley Purves
Aspen Family and Community Network
Case Study: Case Management
Executive Summary

Aspen Family and Community Networks support sustainable lives in the greater Calgary, Canada area. The organization delivers innovative and evolving data-driven programs and services for families, youth, and communities. The data collected from TraxSolutions is vital to the organization’s operations, supporting better decisions by identifying where its services are needed the most, and measuring impact.


As a leader in providing smarter social services for people experiencing challenges with tough social issues, the organization’s committed team uses TraxSolutions® Case Management software module to track detailed casework and counseling information. Striving to make a long term impact through an engaged and invested network of partners, funders, and stakeholders, reliable and accurate data is key to supporting the organization’s mission and proving outcomes, so it can grow and expand its programs and services.


Aspen Family and Community Network


Disparate multi-site systems created data management challenges.

Solutions Used

End to end single-source aggregated data that enabled improved client services and led to connecting 600 families to vital resources.